An interview with Mr. Adnan Oktar by Suud1 TV


The Knights Templar (or simply, the Templars), is a secret organization with its roots in the Middle Ages and whose actions and supporters have changed over time. It first emerged after the first Crusades, soon exerted a wide political influence and became one of the greatest financial powers of the Middle Ages.
In the beginning, the Templars conducted themselves as if they were deeply religious. They used the reputation and exemptions they attained in this way to become, in time, a dark organization that pitted itself against religious moral values with evil goals, awakening feelings of hatred and fear in the hearts of those throughout Christian society. The records, belonging to the courts of Templars that began in 1307, and the historical documents of their time undoubtedly revealed the dark face of the organization.
The conclusions, deduced from these surviving documents and researches of historians who are experts on the subject, has shown that shortly after the foundation of their order, the Templars departed from their original purpose, began to follow a perverted, fallacious teaching, and left Christianity behind. The Templars considered every method that could lead them to wealth and power as wholly legitimate, while they were secretly practicing ceremonies and rituals that reflected these dark teachings.

In 1305, Pope Clement V initiated the process of eradicating the Templars with the support of King Philip IV of France.
Those who have escaped from religious morality and placed themselves under the control of satan for the sake of earthly ambition and profits are described as follows in the Holy Qur’an:
They have taken other deities besides Allah to be a source of power and strength for them! No indeed! They will reject their worship and will be opposed to them.
Do you not see that We send the demons against those who disbelieve to goad them on? So do not try to hasten their punishment. We are simply counting out the number of their days. (Surah Maryam, 81-84)

The Templars worshipped an imaginary entity known as “Baphomet,” a representation of satan, and an essential element of Masonic rituals.
For a long time, the Templars sustained their organization by counting on the exemptions they attained from the institution of the Papacy, especially at the very beginning. The perversions they had been performing in their secret rituals finally got discovered, and the Vatican decided to take long-lasting precautions. In 1305, Pope Clement V enlisted the support of Philip IV, King of France and started the procedure to eliminate the Templars.
It was an unexpected reversal for the Templars when the charges against them led to trials that resulted in conviction. However, this event taught the Templars to be still more secretive and more highly organized and laid the foundation for the existing Templar-Masonic secrecy. During this process, they formed feelings of a deep hatred and swore revenge against every belief and value represented by the Church that had imprisoned and persecuted them. The hatred and antagonism they fed for religious morality was the starting point of the ultimate goal they would strive for: anti-religious world domination.

Among the Templars, satan was symbolized by an inverted star and a goat’s head superimposed.
The Templars, who did not recognize any rules except their own perverted beliefs, have been functioning as the representatives of satan on Earth; as will be explained in later sections of this website. As an indispensable part of their rituals, the Templars worship a devil called Baphomet and deny Allah (God), the Lord of the Worlds. These people, who may be considered practically the leaders of those who revere satan as a deity, are predicted in the Qur’an, where they are named as “satan’s party.”
In one verse of the Qur’an, it says:
Satan has gained mastery over them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Such people are the party of satan. No indeed! It is the party of satan who are the losers. Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, such people will be among the most abased. (Surat al-Mujadala, 19-20)
When beginning any investigation of the Templars, one important point must be emphasized: their organization’s great financial power. The Templars—or the Knights Templar, as they were more formally known—have been called the first international bankers in history.
But how did they attain this great financial power? What was the extent of their wealth, and what methods did they use to attain it? Who possesses the dark fortune they had formerly—and what do they use it for now?
Their organization and its successor—today’s Masons—were examined in our first book, The Knights Templar. This present one will review its history again and will answer all the questions raised above. The actions that the Templars financed with ill-gotten funds will be revealed.

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Selected parts from interviews by topic Freemasonry (28 Works in Total)

Selected parts from interviews by topic
A cunning and devilish plan has been produced to encourage conflict between Muslims and Christians and thus to eliminate both faiths Adnan Oktar's views on Masons
Conditions for joining the masons and what happens during the initiation rites Freemasonry in the Turkic states
Freemasonry is an ancient teaching dating back to the time of the Prophet Solomon (as) Freemasonry is Satan's most organized and most powerful army
How did masons pave the way for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire? Masonic organization
Masonic pressure in the Vatican Masons' bloody symbols
Masons do not believe in Allah and have no religion, though they never state this openly Masons' efforts to prevent the Turkish-Islamic Union
Masons have explicitly stated their support for Darwinism in their own official publications Masons have links to irreligious djinn
Masons worship Satan Stratagems employed by masons in the Islamic world
The degrees of freemasonry The influence of freemasonry in the Vatican
The masons are awaiting Adon, who will come in the end times The masons' global organizations and sinister activities
The mason's war against religion The secret history of freemasonry in Turkey
The secret imparted at the 33rd degree We have thwarted the Masonic scheme of spreading strife between the faiths
What form must the struggle against freemasonry take? What happens in Masonic temples in the hypnotic seances during which they make direct contact with Satan
What is freemasonry and where did it come from? World leaders are under the influence of freemasonry